Writing a story for Am

12/05/2013 § Leave a comment

I’ve never complete my attempts at writing a story for Amelia because of my crazy schedule. There is a list of unfulfilled things I need to do, and this has somehow made it to the bottom of my list because of the frantic preschool search.

Anyway, I’ve written a few stories for her. Out of the lot, this is my favourite. unedited and it’s inspired by amelia’s curiosity of rain.
(maybe it sounds more of a poem. Lol. True blue writers, please be gentle with your comments.)

I wonder how it feels to be a raindrop.
I’ve heard the pit pit patter sound they made,
They seem to be have so much fun making a rain.

I wonder how it feels to slide down the umbrella.
Or fall onto the hands of a little girl.

I wonder how it feels like when two raindrops join and become one.
Or how they all come together and form a puddle.

It looks like so much fun when children come and make a splatter in the puddle!

I wonder how the raindrops must feel about all this,
which seems like so much fun.

When the sun is out,
they must all go back.

I wonder how it feels like to evaporate and be in the clouds.

It must be fun being a raindrop,
Even for a day.

Yay or nay?

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