Introducing alphabets and reading to toddlers

26/01/2013 § Leave a comment

This is such a clever way to introduce reading or alphabets to your child! Pounding on the words as you read to them! A great motor skill activity as well! This idea is adaptable and can be adjusted for different ages as well!
Applause!!! Pix from icanteachmychildintroducing alphabets



Rewarding moments from the Montessori sand paper

20/01/2013 § Leave a comment

When I was using the sand paper alphabets on Am, I must say that I was pretty doubtful of what results it will bring. Today, she said “Burger!” when she saw the images of the burger on the mos burger menu. And “Dinosaurs!” upon seeing a picture book in Times bookstore. And “elephant” when she saw one on her bed sheet covers. :-)

So, it does work wonders and a child’s mind works like a sponge!

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